Monday, December 6, 2010

Portland Marathon 2011

Portland was a great Marathon the fans, accommodations everything was just wonderful. My roommate Rhonda topped the cake and we had a great time enjoying everything in Portland. We met up with our Fleet Feet Racing Group the night before the race.

Why I was late to dinner!
We got to meet Jeff Galloway and he is such a neat person.

Before the race happy and ready to go..... not so fast. I got to start line realized that I forgot my garmin. Tried to go back up the elevator and it was packed. I then tried the stairs locked! I strongly suggested :) for the front desk gal that they needed to open up the doors for the stairs. It was done immediately and I sprinted up the stairs to get my garmin and sprinted to start line. I was a little out of breath starting the marathon. So yes I look happy but about 5 min after I was a wreck!
 Started off with some serious rain and then what felt like a monsoon with how hard the wind was blowing on us.  I did feel pretty good for running in the rain.  The fans were so awesome the whole race.  Even Tall MOM Mel was there to cheer her peeps on.  I had two pits stops and horrible cramping at the end of the race.  I could not even enjoy the end of the race because each time I stopped I cramped.  I did not prepare well the week before nutritionally and it really impacted my race. 

I had to walk up the stairs to go back to my room because if I stopped I would cramp up. I asked some random dude to take my picture before I collapsed in my room. Jacuzzi helped and I felt better after sitting in for about an hour.

I loved running this Marathon regardless of my struggles.  I still ran it under 4 hours at 3:55 which is not too bad for my 3rd marathon.  I loved being with all the runners and the high of being able to run 26.2 miles - which has amazed me everytime I have done it.  Just an awesome feeling to make your body run that far and not die.  LOL

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